Ecosomatic coaching training
Learn how to coach in partnership with nature.

The Ecosomatic Coaching Training has been accredited by the International Coaching Federation for 100 hours of Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH-100 hours).
By becoming an expert in ecosomatic coaching, you’ll learn how to integrate ecosomatic practices, mindfulness with nature, climate awareness, ecopsychology, embodiment and deep nature connection in your 1-1 coaching sessions.

By successfully completing our course in Ecosomatic coaching, you’ll receive an internationally recognised diploma, that will make you stand out in the crowded coaching market.
Not only will you get professional competencies in coaching, but also in ecopsychology, embodiment and somatic awareness, mindfulness and contemplative practices for coaching.
A unique approach to empower your clients and expand your personal and professional development.

A unique approach where nature is
not the place where the coaching conversation happens,
but a living co-coach, partnering with you and your clients.

Launched in 2019
Born in Italy, near the Alps, we’ve been training three cohorts of about 60 coaches since 2019 (one program a year), who’ve become experts in nature coaching, Forest Coaching®, mindfulness, embodiment and deep nature connection applied to coaching.
We’re growing an International network of coaches and professionals in the field of personal growth through nature connection, somatics and contemplative practices.
Join our community to get support, resources and support in your journey, in synergy with like-minded professionals.
Our Courses

Resource Development for coaches
Our trainers have decades of experience in deep nature connection, contemplative practices and embodiment.
What we teach is what we discovered through years of personal growth in synergy with nature’s life.

Core Coaching Competencies (ICF Model)
The Ecosomatic Coaching Training is based on the framework of the International Coaching Federation: the Eight Core Coaching Competencies and the Code of Ethics are the foundation of our courses.

Join us
We feel a call to spread coaching conversations for personal, social and global change, enabling ourselves and our relational fields to awaken and cultivate connection, meaning and evolution.
Join us if you feel the same call!

Upcoming courses
The next Ecosomatic Coaching Training course will start in April 2024 and will be held in English, blending online and in-person learning. Download the FULL BROCHURE to read all the details of the program, including Delivery method, Intended participants and pre-requisites for individuals to enroll, Organizational contact list.
“A deep dive into personal growth and professional development, in places of extraordinary beauty.”
– CLAUDIA ANTONELLI, Certified Ecosomatic Coach
“The most complete training I ever attended. Diana’s dedication is unique! I feel honored to be part of such a powerful, transformative community.”
– MARINA CIULLA, Certified Ecosomatic Coach
“We need to shift the inner space from which we operate.”

Free Ebook “Nature Coaching”
Download Diana Tedoldi‘s ebook “Nature Coaching: introduction to coaching in connection with nature” and discover the philosophy of the founder of The Nature Coaching Academy.
Follow Us
(+39) 393 757 3058