About Us

The Nature Coaching Academy was founded by Diana Tedoldi in 2017, bringing together a team of professional coaches dedicated to co-creating opportunities for learning and personal growth in connection with Nature: the one within us, and the one around us.

Hi There, I’m Diana
I was born in the Italian countryside, near the Alps, and since I was a child Nature has always been my tutor, teacher and guide. I’ve been practicing deep nature connection and contemplative practices since the early 1990s, exploring and experimenting, daily, in any weather condition, what I now teach in my courses.

Our Credo

Life is simple – but our minds often over-complicate it
Connecting with our bodies and awakening our somatic intelligence is a powerful way to reconnect with our inner compass.

Nature has been evolving life since 3.8 billion years ago
By reconnecting to the ecosystemic intelligence of the living systems around us, we empower our natural genius and learn how to grow and enable change, in synergy with the force of life.

Mindfulness and nature-connection empower coaching conversations
We aim at cultivating the coachee’s and the coach’s deep presence and deep listening. Nature-connected contemplative practices shift the inner space from which we feel, think, act, enabling the emergence of innovative and creative ideas, a systemic quality of thinking and the awakening of our inner powers.
Read the Ecosomatic Coaching Training Program
Download the dedicated brochure and read everything about the philosophy, contents, prices, trainers and more.